Drone photography of Milligan's Seeger Chapel & Sutton Hall

Concerns & Issues

Milligan University has a longtime and ongoing commitment that all students and employees experience a safe, healthy, and supportive environment during their time at Milligan. We take seriously any time members of our community feel that their Milligan experience falls short of our goals and mission.

In addressing issues, our calling is always to pursue both justice and compassion by:

  • pursuing resolution of any issue through established policies and procedures
  • balancing the transparency required to foster communal trust with the need to morally and legally protect the privacy and personal dignity of all who are involved
  • avoiding speaking of sensitive matters in ways that foster gossip, engender distrust, or otherwise undermine Christian community
  • maintaining humility, patience, and compassion in seeking resolution

Milligan University makes every effort to resolve student complaints internally, using policies and procedures outlined in the current Student Handbook, Catalog, and employee handbooks. It is expected that individuals will fully utilize any and all such administrative procedures to address concerns and/or complaints in as timely a manner as possible.

Information provided below to file formal complaints with the institution should be utilized after the complainant has utilized all appropriate appeals at the department level. All grievances filed will be taken seriously and reviewed with university personnel as is appropriate for addressing the matter. The University will respond to the complainant in a timely fashion. Retaliation for filing a complaint or participating in the review of a complaint is strictly prohibited.

Policy for Students

After students have exhausted appropriate appeals processes by communicating with faculty and staff directly involved in the issue at hand, students may report complaints using the Student Complaint Form, also available for download and in the Student Development Office.

  • Student Affairs issues (e.g., housing, food service, student activities, intramurals, spiritual life, parking): Complaints should be directed to the Dean of Students.
  • Business Affairs issues (e.g., financial aid, work study, student accounts, bookstore, physical facilities and grounds, information technology): Complaints should be directed to the Vice President for Business and Finance.

The senior administrator listed above will respond to complaints within a reasonable time. Should the response be unsatisfactory, or should a complaint arise for an area not listed above, a formal written complaint may be submitted to the Office of the President.

Policy for the Public (non-students)

After persons other than students have exhausted appropriate appeals processes by communicating with University personnel directly involved in the issue at hand, persons may report complaints using the Complaint Form for the Public (persons other than students). The form also is available for download or in the Office of the President. The President or his/her assignees will respond to complaints within a reasonable time.

Formal written complaints that may affect the accreditation status of the University should be submitted to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges. The complaint form is available on the Commission’s website (https://sacscoc.org). Search for “complaint policy.”

Following is a statement taken from the SACSCOC policy statement titled, “Complaint Procedures against the Commission or its Accredited Institutions”: “Because the Commission’s complaint procedures are for the purpose of addressing any significant non-compliance with the Commission’s standards, policies, or procedures, the procedures are not intended to be used to involve the Commission in disputes between individuals and member institutions, or cause the Commission to interpose itself as a reviewing authority in individual matters of admission, grades, granting or transferability of credits, application of academic policies, fees or other financial matters, disciplinary matters or other contractual rights and obligations. Nor does the Commission seek redress on an individual’s behalf. Furthermore, the Commission will not serve as a grievance panel when the outcome of institutional grievance or appeal processes is unsatisfactory to the complainant.”

Complaints related to the application of state laws or rules related to approval to operate or licensure of a particular professional program within a postsecondary institution shall be referred to the appropriate state board (i.e., State Board of Health, State Board of Education, and so on) within the Tennessee State Government and shall be reviewed and handled by that licensing board. See applicable information at http://www.tn.gov; then search for the appropriate division.

Complaints related to state consumer protection laws (e.g., laws related to fraud or false advertising) shall be referred to the Tennessee Division of Consumer Affairs and shall be reviewed and handled by that unit. See http://www.tn.gov/consumer.

Complaint Resolution Policies and Procedures for Non-Tennessee Resident Students in State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement States, commonly known as SARA

Student complaints relating to consumer protection laws that involve distance learning education offered under the terms and conditions of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA), must first be filed with the institution to seek resolution.

Complainants not satisfied with the outcome of the institution’s internal process may appeal, within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made, to the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (https://www.tn.gov/thec/bureaus/student-aid-and-compliance/postsecondary-state-authorization/request-for-complaint-review.html).

For purposes of this process, a complaint shall be defined as a formal assertion in writing that the terms of SARA or the laws, standards or regulations incorporated by the SARA Policies and Standards (https://www.nc-sara.org/content/sara-manual) have been violated by the institution operating under the terms of SARA.

For a list of SARA member states, please visit the NC-SARA website (https://www.nc-sara.org/sara-states-institutions). Students residing in non-SARA states should consult their respective State of residence for further instruction for filing a complaint.