Seeger Chapel steeple against an orange sunset

Downtown gallery features Milligan students' art

“Bridge” Photograph by Sarah Shepherd

MILLIGAN COLLEGE, TN (January 31, 2005) — An art show featuring the works of 25 Milligan College photography and fine arts students will be held at the Nelson Art Gallery in downtown Johnson City this Friday from 7-9 p.m. The show is free and open to the public.

Featuring nearly 50 pieces of art, including photography, oil painting, water color, sculpture and mixed media pieces, the show will reflect the artistic expressions of students who have been under the instruction of Alice Anthony and Nick Blosser, professors of art at Milligan.

“We appreciate Dick Nelson for giving us this great opportunity for students to display their work in the community,” said Anthony.

The art students are from a variety of states and nations and much of their work reflects the people, landscapes and culture of their area.

“Art is a great vehicle for opening and stirring people’s hearts. Showing our work to the community is a great opportunity to publicly reflect the creativity, truth and beauty of the God we serve,” said Sarah Shepherd, a senior fine arts major from Englewood, Fla.

Jennifer Kraicinski, a sophomore fine arts major from Bellville, Ohio, agrees that the show provides an opportunity to serve others in the community by sharing art.

“God has given us all talents in all different areas of our lives and I believe that as Christians we should use our talents to God’s glory,” said Kraicinski.

The Milligan art will be on display through the month of February.


Posted by on January 31, 2005.