Interested in print design, digital illustration, type design, web/mobile design, package design, animation/motion graphics, or other digital media? The graphic design major is a comprehensive curriculum that combines creativity and artistic abilities with industry-leading software to teach students visual communication and problem solving that has applications in many sectors of the job market. Prepare to work in various industries and be able to apply your visual communication skills to the inevitable changes in media that are ahead.

Feature Work
Our students frequently present their work in gallery settings. Their portfolios are brimming with pieces they’ve created for internships and work experiences, course assignments, community organizations and businesses, and the Milligan campus. They’re sought after for internships and special projects.

During her time at Milligan, Candace took advantage of numerous opportunities to grow her portfolio and showcase her skills and creativity. Her typography pieces were featured as the cover for Milligan’s literary journal, “The Phoenix,” and she established a visual brand identity for Isaiah 117 House, a local ministry for foster children that has rapidly expanded to a national scale. In addition, her internship with a Fortune 500 company led to full-time employment following graduation.

Get ready to change lives
The graphic design curriculum blends critical analyses, theoretical issues, and practical skills. Central to the major is an approach to the study of graphic design from a distinctly Christian worldview. A minor is also available.
Graphic design majors at Milligan learn:
- the elements of design and how they apply to various media
- the fundamental skills, theories, principles, and technologies necessary in the creation of design work
- how to formulate a personal creative process and aesthetic direction for work that communicates visually
- an understanding of the ethical responsibilities of a graphic designer, with a specific emphasis on Christian faith
- skill in computer applications relating to their area of expertise
Scholarships are available in some areas, based on the applicant’s talent and ability, academic achievement, and need. Award amounts vary at the discretion of the faculty.