Faculty & Staff Directory

Business Office Receptionist

Lauren Gullett
Vice President for Enrollment Management

Assistant Bowling Coach

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Mei Han
Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Whitney Hanor
Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Cole Harmon
Fieldwork Coordinator for MSOT

Greg Harrell
Area Chair of Engineering; Malcolm C. and Ruth G. Myers Chair of Engineering; Director of the Engineering Programs; Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Teresa Heaton
Associate Professor of Nursing

Ashley Held
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy

IT Helpdesk

Dennis Helsabeck
The Henry and Emerald Webb Chair Emeritus of History

Mark Henry
Director of Food Services

Laura Hicks Hardy
Program Coordinator - Emmanuel Christian Seminary

Professor Emerita of Sociology and Missions

Lori Hilbert
Administrative Assistant for Finance and Business

Associate Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Education; Professor of Education

Shannon Hogan
Associate Professor of Business Administration; Area Chair of Business

Landon Holbrook
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Jack Holland
Russell F. and Marian J. Blowers Professor of Christian Ministries; Professor of Christian Care and Counseling

Softball Assistant Coach

Head Women's Softball Coach

Heather Hoover
George Arnold Chair of Humanities; Professor of English and Composition; Director of Writing

Lyn Howell
The Paul Clark Chair Emerita of Teacher Education


Jeremy Hughes
Senior Designer

Liesel Huhn
Instructor of Bible and Humanities

Andy Hull
Area Chair of Physician Assistant Studies; Director of Physician Assistant Studies; Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Dr. Aaron Hymes
Associate Professor of Counseling; Practicum and Internship Experiences Coordinator

Associate Professor of Bible and Humanities

Mary Jackson
Research and Instruction Librarian

Beth Jarvis
Director of Ministry Resource Center

Ron Kastens
Academic Dean of the Seminary and Associate Professor of Christian Ministry

Stacey Kastens
Assistant Professor of Social Work; Program Director, Milligan University Social Work

Alex Kees
Assistant Director of Enrollment Communication

Karen Kelly
Professor of Anatomy

Adjunct Instructor, Debate Team Coach

Phil Kenneson
The Kenneth E. Starkey Chair of Bible and Christian Ministries; Associate Dean of the School of Bible and Ministry; Professor of Theology and Philosophy

David Kiger
Director of Libraries and Theological Librarian

Belle Kemp
Director of Alumni Relations and Development

Assistant Professor of Interactive Media and Design

David Knechtel
Clinical Coordinator and Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies

Maureen Knechtel
Associate Professor of Physician Assistant Studies and Academic Coordinator

Rebekah Knisley
Adjunct Instructor of Dance

Assistant Men's Soccer Coach

Kevin Kovacs
IT Support Analyst

Shonna Lane
Associate Professor of Nursing

Ken Lang
Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Kat Lawrence
Admissions Recruiter

Head Cross-Country and Track and Field Coach

Ashleigh Lingerfelt
Area Chair and Program Director; Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy

ROTC recruiter
Army ROTC Recruiting Officer

Josh Little
Director of Ministry Outreach

Director of Student Engagement


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Hongyou Lu
Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies; Engineering Program Development Associate

Ian Lundholm
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Dick Lura
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Bob Mahan
Professor of Accounting


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  • Icon Marker Physical Plant
Mark Matson
Professor Emeritus of Bible

Adjunct Instructor of Sociology

Matthew McDonald
Associate Professor of Chemistry; Director of Study Abroad

Chase McGlamery
Director of Student Success & Disability Services

Adjunct Instructor of Music

Mary Nell McIntyre
Assistant Professor of Education

Kimberly Melinsky
Associate Professor of Business Administration; Director of the MBA Program

Jeff Miller
Vera Britton Chair of Bible; Professor of Bible

Dr. Lori Mills, professor of psychology at Milligan
Professor of Psychology

Tori Ryans
Cheerleading and Dance Head Coach

Adjunct Instructor for Education

Secretary to Student Development Office

Gus Morgan
Director of Financial Aid

Kristen Mudrack
Associate Professor of Chemistry

Physical Plant Office Manager

Adjunct Instructor of Music

Rita Myers
Music Office Manager and Box Office Manager

Head Fly Fishing Coach

Head Cycling Coach

Associate Professor of Counseling


Head Women's Soccer Coach

Brent Nipper
Director of Property & Risk Management (Campus Safety & Security)


Assistant Triathlon Coach

Assistant Track & Field Coach

Accounting Manager

Dave Ongie
Director of Public Relations and Marketing

Deanna Ottinger
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy

Mary Page
Advancement Services Specialist

Choonsang Park
Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Professor of Theology and Society

Director of Athletics

Jack Presnell
Bookstore Manager

Karen Presnell
Certification Officer, Placement Coordinator, and Area of Education Office Manager

Julia Prodger
Admissions Recruiter

Rebecca Proffitt
Payroll and Student Employment Coordinator

Landscaping & Grounds

Rollin Ramsaran
Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins

Trini Rangel
Area Chair of Exercise Science; Associate Professor of Exercise Science