Drone Photography of Milligan's Seeger Chapel and Sutton Hall


Heritage is Milligan University’s premier traveling ensemble. They regularly sing for churches, community and civic groups around the country. With more than 30 years of history, Heritage is regularly sought after for their distinct a cappella style and presentation. 

Heritage 2023-24


Members of Heritage 2023-24

Ryan Jamerson
Josh Nickens
Conner Roberts
Isaac Maples
Bryant Magness
Amelia Teri
Ariana Floyd
Hannah Decker
Anna Shelton

Dr. Noah DeLong, conductor

Booking Information


  1. Email Rhajon Smith to begin the scheduling process.
  2. Once a date is agreed upon and confirmed, you will be emailed a link to an Online Booking Form where you can easily provide us with the information we need.
  3. The Online Booking Form also contains a download section where you can download publicity materials as well as technical and logistical information.


  1. Q:  Is there an honorarium required?  
    A:  While this is not a requirement for a Heritage visit, a love offering or honorarium from the church is much appreciated and helps to offset travel, administrative and student scholarship costs for the group.
  2. Q:  What about Housing?
    A:  When Heritage travels outside the Tri-Cities area, housing is important. In most cases, housing is accomplished through generous families from the church who are willing to host a couple of students for the evening. Heritage 2023-2024 consists of four (4) ladies and five (5) men that would need to be housed. Typically, the group will travel to the host church the evening before the date they are scheduled to sing (with a few rare exceptions). The best procedure for housing is for the host families to meet the students at the church at a designated time that evening and then proceed to the homes.
  3. Q:  What are the sound requirements for Heritage?
    A:  Heritage will bring their own wireless microphones, wireless mixer unit, and wedge monitor. The church will need to provide A/C power and two XLR inputs into the main house system. The Heritage sound technician will travel with travel with the group to help set up and run the system. The digital mixer that Heritage uses is a Soundcraft Ui 16. Download Brochure/Specs
  4. Q:  Are there other things the church needs to provide?
    A:  Heritage travels with a table-top display and printed materials to provide information about the University to the church and any members of the congregation who may have an interest in Milligan.  A small table and space for the display in a common area are much appreciated. The students will make themselves available to meet and greet church members during fellowship times between and after services. Any other opportunities for the group to meet with church members or high school students from within the church are appreciated.
  5. Q:  What about food?
    A:  Many churches enjoy providing a meal for the students afterward. This is by no means necessary or expected.  However, it does provide a nice opportunity for our students to fellowship more personally with some members of the congregation. If you decide to provide a meal, it is much appreciated.  However, if you are not able to do so, it is absolutely no problem.
  6. Q:  How many songs does Heritage sing?
    A:  Heritage will adapt to fit most any situation. They will do anything from special music to as much as 30 minutes of music. When you receive the link to the Online Booking Form, you will have the opportunity to let us know how many songs you would like and/or how much time you are planning to allot for Heritage.
  7. Q:  Does Heritage do more than sing?
    A:  Heritage serves through musical performance and they spend a great deal of time in preparation for that service. They are not prepared to lead worship or to preach. However, if there are opportunities to address high school students, they are prepared to share with them about Milligan. They will also be available at their Milligan display to greet people and answer as many questions as they are able to answer.